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Fireworks Can Cause Eye Damage – How to Protect Your Vision and Safely Celebrate Independence Day

Prevent significant eye damage this summer by taking precautions during Independence Day.
By Macrovector at Shutterstock

We’re well into the summer season now, which means backyard barbecues, swimming pool adventures, and plenty of fireworks. With Independence Day quickly approaching, isn’t it time you thought about your eyesight? It’s such a fun holiday, but, despite how enjoyable fireworks are for all, they can cause eye strain, injury and even vision loss. You need to be careful and protect your vision. We’re going to dive into the situation and discover how you can protect your vision while safely celebrating Independence Day. You can then enjoy fireworks worry-free!

Know Your Stuff

First, let’s dive into the facts surrounding eye injuries and their correlation to fireworks during the summertime.

According to research, more than 11,000 firework-related injuries are reported each year. The majority of these occur during the month of July. The primary cause for such injuries is due to how the fireworks are operated. Most are shot off in someone’s backyard, with only amateur supervision. It’s typically best to let professionals manage fireworks for an event.

Further statistics include:

  • One in six firework-related injuries lead to permanent vision loss.
  • Over 400 Americans lose sight in one or both eyes because of fireworks per year, on average.
  • 45-percent of injuries occur in children under 14 years old.

Firework Safety Tips

If you want to operate fireworks this summer, then, by all means, go ahead. However, we urge everyone to do so safely. Knowing the key safety techniques and tips regarding fireworks can save your eyesight and prevent serious injuries, such as burns or other trauma.

  • Attending professional public firework displays, such as in a park, is safer than using fireworks in your backyard.
  • If you choose to light fireworks at home, follow all local and state laws, firework instructions, and warning labels.
  • Wear protective eyewear when handling fireworks.
  • Children should never light or play with fireworks of any kind – not even sparklers are safe.
  • It’s important to view fireworks from at least 500 feet away.
  • If an eye injury does occur, immediately seek medical attention for the injury. Do not rub, rinse, or apply pressure to the injury. Also, do not remove any stuck objects from the eye.

An eye injury caused by fireworks can ruin the entire event. Even worse, such an injury can have a drastic impact on the injured party’s life moving forward. Living with vision loss is not a simple task. It requires a lot of patience, the relearning of basic functions, and rehabilitation.

For this year’s Independence Day celebration, stay safe while enjoying fireworks on a warm summer night. If you’re worried about your vision, contact Eye Care of Delaware to schedule an appointment. You can reach us at (302) 454-8800!

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