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Early Signs of Cataract Vision Troubles

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that causes decreased vision in older patients. By age 80, over half of all Americans will experience cataracts or have undergone cataract surgery to treat the issue. That number is just staggering. Even worse, cataracts can occur in either or both of the eyes, though it cannot spread from one to the other. If you suspect you have cataracts, there are some early warning signs to watch for.

The Cause of Cataracts

When it comes to cataracts, you may hear the term “age-related” thrown around quite often. This term is a little misleading. While cataracts are most common in senior citizens, they are not the only individuals who suffer from vision loss or cataracts. In fact, people may experience significant cataracts in their 40s and 50s. During middle age, most cataracts are relatively small and do not impact daily vision as often. After 60, though, vision issues may become more prominent.

Early Warning Signs

The risk of cataracts may increase as you grow older, but symptoms may present themselves earlier. The most common early warning signs for those at risk for cataracts include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Clouded or blurred vision
  • Decreased vision at night
  • Sensitivity to light or glares
  • The need for a brighter light while reading
  • Seeing “halos”
  • Fading colors

Now, these symptoms may be indicative of another eye problem. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, your best option is to visit an eye care professional as soon as possible.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing any of the early warning signs of cataracts, be sure to schedule a visit immediately. We can schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. Simply give us a call at (302) 454-8800.

Eye Care of Delaware Treatments & Surgeries

Our Delaware cataract and laser surgery center is home to many advanced eye surgery procedures and treatments. We offer solutions for these most common eye disorders.

Eye that has a cataract because it hasn't had cataract removal surgery


Cataract surgery can correct a cloudy, natural lens, while also correcting one’s vision with an IOL replacement.

Eye that has damage to the cornea and needs treatment


Resolve corneal infections with effective treatments ranging from dry eye to ocular surface disease.

Cloudy eye ball because it hasn't been treated for Glaucoma


Accurate glaucoma testing and treatment is essential to reduce the risk of vision loss as you age.

Eye on a person's face after refractive surgery


Refractive lens exchange will correct farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism.

Eyelid getting marketing for eyelid surgery


Reshape and remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the eyelids with eyelid surgery.

Eye that needs a retinal treatment


Retinal treatments stop gradual vision loss from macular degeneration, retinal tears or detachment.