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November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
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If you are one of more than 25 million Americans with diabetes, you may already know the importance of watching your diet and keeping track of your blood sugar. But did you know it’s also important to have regular eye exams?

Diabetes can cause several eye diseases including glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. In order to help educate those with diabetes about the important steps they need to take to care for their eyes, November has been named Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month.

Blindness Caused by Diabetes is Preventable

Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the United States among adults between age 20 to 74 and is the fifth most common cause of preventable blindness globally. Among the 30 million Americans with diabetes, about one-third have diabetic retinopathy, the potentially blinding complication of diabetes.

Diabetic retinopathy affects about 28.5 percent of Americans with diabetes age 40 and older. The condition gradually weakens small blood vessels in and around the retina, the light-sensing layer of tissue in the back of the eye. If the disease progresses, these vessels may rupture and leak blood into the eye; they can also spread and grow on the surface of the retina causing scarring.

Early Detection is Key to Preventing Diabetic Eye Disease

People typically don’t notice changes in their vision in the disease’s early stages. But the disease can be detected early, through a comprehensive dilated eye exam. In this procedure, an eye professional will put drops in the eye to dilate (widen) the pupil, which allows a closer look at the retina. As it progresses, diabetic retinopathy usually causes vision loss that in many cases cannot be reversed.

The good news is that with early detection, timely treatment and follow-up, the risk of severe vision loss from diabetic retinopathy can be reduced by 95%. Some effective treatment options include laser surgery and injections of anti-VEGF drugs. These drugs block the actions of a protein that can cause abnormal blood vessels to grow and leak fluid.

Important Health Tips for Those with Diabetes

When your diabetes is well controlled, your risk of diabetic eye disease is reduced and your overall health is improved. Follow the recommendations of your doctors and these tips to keep your diabetes controlled and to protect your eyes from vision loss.

Make an Appointment Today to Prevent Diabetic Eye Disease

Visit your eye doctor regularly and make an appointment with Eye Care of Delaware to learn more about preventing diabetic eye disease. Call us at (302) 454-8800 or contact us online.

Eye Care of Delaware Treatments & Surgeries

Our Delaware cataract and laser surgery center is home to many advanced eye surgery procedures and treatments. We offer solutions for these most common eye disorders.

Eye that has a cataract because it hasn't had cataract removal surgery


Cataract surgery can correct a cloudy, natural lens, while also correcting one’s vision with an IOL replacement.

Eye that has damage to the cornea and needs treatment


Resolve corneal infections with effective treatments ranging from dry eye to ocular surface disease.

Cloudy eye ball because it hasn't been treated for Glaucoma


Accurate glaucoma testing and treatment is essential to reduce the risk of vision loss as you age.

Eye on a person's face after refractive surgery


Refractive lens exchange will correct farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism.

Eyelid getting marketing for eyelid surgery


Reshape and remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the eyelids with eyelid surgery.

Eye that needs a retinal treatment


Retinal treatments stop gradual vision loss from macular degeneration, retinal tears or detachment.