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Delaware Residents Should Know About the Latest Cataract Treatment

Did you know that cataracts often occur when you age? On average, more than 50 percent of American men and women who are ages 80 and older have had cataracts in one or both eyes. In-home care can help to alleviate the symptoms associated with cataracts; however, laser cataract surgery is the only proven way to remove cataracts and enjoy the benefits of restored eyesight.

Cataracts 101

There are many reasons that cataracts might occur. For example, they are often caused by normal changes within your eyes as you grow older. Cataracts can also occur after an eye injury or as a result of another type of eye condition, such as glaucoma. Regardless of the cause, cataracts typically have a gradual impact on your eyesight. In fact, you might not notice that you have a cataract until your eyesight slowly becomes more blurry and less colorful. Overtime you might also have difficulties reading, watching TV, driving or completing other daily activities.

Understanding the Common Symptoms of Cataracts

The lens in your eye is typically clear while you are young. However, as you age, the lens starts to break down and begins to clump together. The clumps will begin to make your eyesight cloudy. The longer that your cataract goes untreated, the more it will negatively impact your vision. As your vision is affected, you might begin to notice some of the following common symptoms:

  • Colors begin to fade and become less bright.
  • Your vision will appear cloudy no matter how often you rub your eyes.
  • Your night vision begins to weaken. You might start to see halos around headlights and other light sources during the night.
  • Sources of light, such as headlights, the sun and lamps, appear to be too bright.
  • You begin to experience double vision.

You start to change prescriptions more often as your eyes attempt to adjust to the broken down inner lens.
If you have begun to experience any of the above symptoms, then you should speak with your eye doctor about your treatment options. With this in mind, the most common and effective type of treatment is laser cataract surgery.

Are You a Candidate for Laser Cataract Surgery?

A trusted eye doctor will check your eyes for cataracts during a dilated eye exam. During the exam, you will receive special drops that dilate your pupils. Once the drops have dilated your pupils, the doctor will then look for cataracts. If you have cataracts, then your doctor might suggest laser cataract surgery. It is important to note that not all surgeons will provide this service. The good news is that Eye Care of Delaware proudly offers laser cataract surgery.

Learn More About Getting Laser Cataract Surgery
Laser cataract surgery offers the precision needed to create a customized vision plan for each eye. Through a focus on patient comfort, satisfaction, safety and care, your trusted surgeon will help you enjoy better vision after your laser cataract surgery. From restoring clarity to your vision to enhancing your night vision, the trusted team at Eye Care of Delaware look forward to helping you remove and recover from cataracts. To learn more, contact Eye Care of Delaware online or call us today at (302) 454-8800 to schedule an appointment.

Eye Care of Delaware Treatments & Surgeries

Our Delaware cataract and laser surgery center is home to many advanced eye surgery procedures and treatments. We offer solutions for these most common eye disorders.

Eye that has a cataract because it hasn't had cataract removal surgery


Cataract surgery can correct a cloudy, natural lens, while also correcting one’s vision with an IOL replacement.

Eye that has damage to the cornea and needs treatment


Resolve corneal infections with effective treatments ranging from dry eye to ocular surface disease.

Cloudy eye ball because it hasn't been treated for Glaucoma


Accurate glaucoma testing and treatment is essential to reduce the risk of vision loss as you age.

Eye on a person's face after refractive surgery


Refractive lens exchange will correct farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism.

Eyelid getting marketing for eyelid surgery


Reshape and remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the eyelids with eyelid surgery.

Eye that needs a retinal treatment


Retinal treatments stop gradual vision loss from macular degeneration, retinal tears or detachment.